Saturday 16 June 2012


Literally 20-30 mins spent doing some base work.

First the skaven, the textured paint is now dry. I washed it with devlan mud then I drybrushed a bit of bestial brown then terminatus stone dry paint.

Decided to run a test on myultra matt medium by adding it 50/50 into black and edge the bases. I took a picture of the result and it looks really good!

Grimgor, I devlan mud washed the sand (probably to be painted over later but the wash helps fix the sand to the base) Also painted the stone bits codex grey.

The water was painted with the four colours pictured and turned out really good. Tried to make it look deeper as it was getting to the edge and it actually doesn't look absolutely pants which surprised me!

few layers of water effects should make it look nice. Also painted my home made reed things. Pics!

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