Sunday 29 April 2012

Dark Elf the end is near

Pretty short list of to do's on this guy now, shield, sword, hair, mouth and bone/claws, leather and wood.

Also need to get rid of a tide mark on the cloak.

pics are chronological.

Friday 27 April 2012

Dark Elf - metal, bone

Did some work tonight, basically finished off the steel, basecoated and washed the bone/claw details, blacked out the chainmail areas.

Using my new favourite bone technique as well. Dheneb stone, devlan mud wash, add some bleached bone, then finish with skull white.

I'm still using the old paints of course..........

pics are in chronological order.... not much explaining being done, it's late.

Really want to finishe this guy in 2, 3 sessions more max. Fancy painting an Orc!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Let there be light!

Just tidied up some bits and bobs tonight, put some ink on  the metal amongst other things. (blacked out some areas and did some tidying up.

Previous model, new light

Pictures represent the colours a lot better with the new light! comparisons below.

new light

New light

new light

New Light

Old Light

Sunday 22 April 2012


Sporadic indeed...
desk - cleaned
New decent daylight desk lamp - ordered.
paints - re-hydrated (ouch my wrist)

something could be occurring:

the blog archive has moved to the little hover box on the right edge of the screen with subscribe.